Life is like taking on a road trip.... Some may already has a destination while others may be driving aimlessly around... But people who had destinations may lost their ways while looking for directions and people with no directions may found their destinations while driving around.. Life is led by fate and our mind.. But we cant control fate like how we control our mind...

Wonder should I get a new tattoo?

Suddenly have the urge again to have a tattoo on my ankle.. Been thinking for years and the design I always wanted is a Fairy.. Been searching the web sites for it and cant manage to find alot of nice designs.. Eyed on 4 of them which I think it's nice but not to the extend till I wanna get it done right now.. So I supposed these designs are not the one I really fancied and wanted it on my skin for a life time... 

Anyone knows which web sites that has nice gothic fairy design pls leave me a link to it.. Thanks...

These are the 4 designs that I eyed on : I need some suggestions on which is nicer.....

I quite like this design but feel that her wings should be bigger and torn looking...
The design is clean and nice but got an ugly face