Been off since Tuesday... Just by staying at hm, nothing much to do also feel very shiok COS free from alcohol and spending more time with Baby plus doing my things.. Just back from chalet with friends on Wed night... Just stay for a night, mahjong-ing, BBQ-ing, playing games and PLAYING PAINTBALL!!!! My first time playing it & though there's only 8 of us but it was terribly FUN !!! We were being split into 2 team and my team won.. Shag out and sweat out.. It was quite expensive though.. Costing $60 each which include $10 for renting of the gears & a total of 2000 paintballs for us to shoot.. Thought the paintballs were in rather big size but it was only abt a marble size.. The gun was quite heavy, causing my hands to shake and ache.. It was attached to a tank of CO2 which enable the paintball to shoot very far and of course causes bruise and pain.. Luckily I took cover very well and din manage to get hit...
Went out to get my stuffs done and did eyebrow embroidery.. My brows were quite swollen just now but luckily it subsided... Costing only $80 as I did before at else where last time but the colour faded off... This is a really good chance for me to recuperate.. My face complextion getting bad to worse.. So sad.. Must do more mask and facial soon....
Playing mahjong in a while with Baby and his friends... So shiok to off on a friday night.. It's been such a long time since I can get to off on a Friday night.. WhoOoo.. Going to bathe and preparing for mahjong soon.... Win all their money and cover a bit for my loss of income for not working... Heh heh heh *Evil Grin*
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